2022 H2 Mathematics Paper 1 Question 10
Graphs and Transformations
x≤−2 or
x>1. Full solutions
At stationary points,
C has no stationary points,
Discriminant < 0(−2a)2−4(a)(−2b)<04a2+8ab<0Since a >0,a+2b<0a<−2b■
From GC, intersection between the curve and the line occurs at
From the sketch, the solution to the inequality is
x≤−2 or x>1■
Question Commentary
For part (a), the phrase "no stationary points" hints us to differentiate, equate
dxdy to zero and then use the discriminant.
For part (b), we can pick a random positive value of a to use in our graphing
calculator to get the shape of the graph. However, we must be careful in finding the axial
intercepts. In particular, the y-intercept is related to a,
so it will be wrong to use the graphing calculator blindly here and report a numeric value.
For part (d), notice that just 2 marks are given along with the "hence" keyword.
We should use the graph we have already drawn and our graphing
calculator (applying the value of a in it) instead of going through the
rational inequalities algebraic approach.