It is likely to provide a good model. The product moment correlation coefficient is
close to suggesting a strong linear correlation between and Moreover,
the scatter diagram suggests that the rate of change of as increases is
relatively constant, which is consistent with a linear model.
While relatively constant, there is still a slight increase in the rate of increase of so there may still be a better model nevertheless
While relatively constant, there is still a slight increase in the rate of increase of so there may still be a better model nevertheless
The slight increase in the rate of increase of as increases indicated by the scatter diagram
suggests is more consistent with the second model.
This is also shown in the product moment correlation coefficient value of which
is closer to (vs for the first model), which indicates that there is a stronger linear correlation between
and as compared to the linear model.
Full solutions
It is likely to provide a good model. The product moment correlation coefficient is
close to suggesting a strong linear correlation between and Moreover,
the scatter diagram suggests that the rate of change of as increases is
relatively constant, which is consistent with a linear model.
While relatively constant, there is still a slight increase in the rate of increase of so there may still be a better model nevertheless
While relatively constant, there is still a slight increase in the rate of increase of so there may still be a better model nevertheless
Using the GC,
The slight increase in the rate of increase of as increases indicated by the scatter diagram
suggests is more consistent with the second model.
This is also shown in the product moment correlation coefficient value of which
is closer to (vs for the first model), which indicates that there is a stronger linear correlation between
and as compared to the linear model.