2016 H2 Mathematics Paper 2 Question 8

Linear Correlation and Regression


The scatter diagram shows that, as x{x} increases, y{y} increases at a decreasing rate, which is not consistent with a linear model.
c{c} is negative because y{y} increases as x{x} increases.
As x,{x \to \infty, } y{y} approaches a positive value so d{d} is positive.
The estimate is reliable because
  • x=3{x=3} lies within the given data range 1x50.{1\leq x \leq 50.}
  • r1{|r|\approx 1} which suggest a strong linear correlation between y{y} and 1x.{\frac{1}{x}.}

Full solutions



The scatter diagram shows that, as x{x} increases, y{y} increases at a decreasing rate, which is not consistent with a linear model. {\blacksquare}


c{c} is negative because y{y} increases as x{x} increases. {\blacksquare}
As x,{x \to \infty, } y{y} approaches a positive value so d{d} is positive. {\blacksquare}


Using a GC,
r=0.980 (3 sf)  c=17.484=17.5 (3 sf)  d=91.750=91.8 (3 sf)  \begin{align*} r &= -0.980 \textrm{ (3 sf)} \; \blacksquare \\ c &= -17.484 \\ &= -17.5 \textrm{ (3 sf)} \; \blacksquare \\ d &= 91.750 \\ &= 91.8 \textrm{ (3 sf)} \; \blacksquare \\ \end{align*}


When x=3,{x=3,}
y=17.4843+91.750=85.9 (3 sf)  \begin{align*} y &= \frac{-17.484}{3} + 91.750 \\ &= 85.9 \textrm{ (3 sf)} \; \blacksquare \end{align*}
The estimate is reliable because
  • x=3{x=3} lies within the given data range 1x50.  {1\leq x \leq 50. \; \blacksquare}
  • r1{|r|\approx 1} which suggest a strong linear correlation between y{y} and 1x.  {\frac{1}{x}. \; \blacksquare}